Welcome to a UBI House breakfast & seminar at Tvistevägen 48, in conference room "Skogen".
Speaker: Jonathan Love, Cropcision.
There is no such thing as sustainability without affordability!
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) estimates that 22,500 tonnes of microplastics in fertilizers are applied per year in the EEA. In some instances, 50 kg of microplastics accumulate per ha per year. As such, the EU has taken the appropriate decision to impose a ban on synthetic polymers in agricultural inputs from 2026. This creates challenges and opportunities.
To address this, Cropcision has developed a plastic-free control release system that provides farmers a cost-effective option to meet the EU’s Farm-to-Fork policy goals and insulate their business from fertilizer price volatility.
Registration deadline: Thursday, April 11 at 12.00. After this, you can sign up for the seminar, but not for breakfast.
NOTE: UBI offers breakfast from 8.15. The seminar starts at 8.30.
House breakfast & seminar
Jonathan Love, Cropcision: "SeedSafe Fertilizers – Meeting the farm-to-fork agenda"
16 April 08:30-09:00Umeå Biotech Incubator, Conference room "Skogen"
Participation fee: This event is sponsored by Umeå Biotech Incubator (UBI) with support from the European Union. There is no actual fee for participating. For delegates from the industry, state-aid/de-minimis will be accounted for corresponding to 50 SEK per person.
State aid & de-minimis: Umeå Biotech Incubator is obliged to account for activities they arrange, and support they provide, that are directed to specific companies or a group of companies where the receiving companies do not pay market price for the participation. The value of this support is accounted for as state-aid.
Small amounts of State aid (‘de minimis’ aid) are exempted from State aid control, as they are deemed to have no impact on competition and trade in the internal market of the European Union (EU). De minimis aid indeed refers to small amounts of State aid to undertakings (companies) that do not have to be notified to the European Commission by the EU Member States.
The maximum amount is € 300,000 for each undertaking over 3 years.
De minimis can also be granted to large companies that are not entitled to larger sums of state-aid under Article 22.